Sunday, October 14, 2012
EDSS 511 Mang. Pln
Tony Thomas
Cohort B
Classroom Management Plan
Essentialism is my philosophy regarding education and behavioral management. It is my belief that no one management strategy is the best approach in managing a classroom, however a combination of implanting from a wide range of strategies is needed to get best results from my students. Preparing the students in coursework for the real world is paramount, and managing them the same way is as equally important. Students need to be respected and treated fairly. At the secondary level they should experience some of the same adult responsibilities and freedoms that they will receive in a few years. This is a good way for them to transition into adult hood and not have an abrupt awaking. Manage your classroom like you want the students to learn from it. Everything you do is a teachable moment even the way that you manage time, homework, and disciplinary actions.
Preventative Approach:
The teacher must clearly identify rules that are outlined with expectations that are outlined in the syllabus and addressed in class. The rationale behind formulating a specific set of rules is to let the students behaviors the students are expected to follow within the course and also set the tone for the upcoming year. By providing the students with the expectation from the beginning and being firm with the rules and routines up front twill help conduct class and behavioral management problems early on. Help prevent problems from ever happening in the first place with a well set up classroom based on rules, routines, and expectations. E.g. One whistle means stop what you are doing, and two whistles mean come in on me as quickly as possible. When students continue after the whistle or do not come in quick enough I deduct a festivity point from their team. This seems harsh to them at first however they see that there is accountability and it is fair amongst the class. This helps them be more productive with our time and allows me to control the classroom easy by just blowing a whistle instead of losing my voice by yelling everything.
Also by including students in the decision making process. If students are a part of the decision they are less likely to have management issues because they feel as they are a part of the process in making the decision which gives them a say in the matter. A great way to do this is by allowing them to come up with the class rules. Then they have more of an ownership to it and are more likely to follow them and will be easily corrected when you remind them that they made these rules. Another way is to allow them to pick the Country, mascot, color, cheer, and handshake that their teams will do. This allows them to critically think and learn how to work as a group in society. Allowing them this creative and collaboration time keeps them busy which helps in keeping them out of trouble.
Another preventative approach is discipline with self-control by Barbara Coloroso (1994) which is what we have all been taught since kindergarten which emphasized in being treated the way you would like to be treated. This method focuses on responsibility and compassionate students.
I try to talk to the students instead of yelling at them. I give them warnings in public, however if they continue in the undesirable behavior I will talk to them after class and make sure that they know that I do not agree with what they doing and how are we going to change their behavior. Let them know that I care about them and I don’t want to just yell at them and expect to change everything about themselves.
Another preventative approach is inner discipline by Thomas Gordon (1989) where the teacher is trying to find common ground between themselves and the student. The teacher tries to minimize the problem before it gets worse for the student. This is done by proper planning and preparing an engaging lesson that keep the students from doing their own thing and getting themselves in trouble.
Supportive Approach:
The supportive approach of teaching is the teachers attempt to help the student by allowing the student to have choices and speaking in a manner that doesn’t put down the individual. These options are developed with the goal in mind of keeping a sense of community within your classroom.
The first method of a supportive approach would be discipline with dignity by Curwin and Medler. This approach gives power to the students by giving them an option or a choice that allows them to grow as students take ownership and responsibility. In addition to the responsibilities of the student the environment models a positive behavior however, students that aren’t behaving properly might make the other students frustrated. An example of this plan in action is when a student is off task and the teacher pulls them aside and has a private conversation with the student. This gives the student a chance to defend themselves and shows them that the teacher is not just out to get them.
When addressing misbehavior the teacher needs to be gentle and fair. By addressing the matter the teacher needs to retake control of the class and not allow the misbehavior to continue. A technique a teacher can use is use kind and gentle words to show some empathy to refocus the student. When students are talking while you are talking you can say, “Remember that you are to be listening instead of talking while I am talking, thank you. And thank you class for not talking while I am giving instruction.” This praises the students that are doing the correct thing and reminds those that need some Help.
Provide a warm and caring approach that is welcoming to all students that enter the classroom. A teacher must make every student feel welcome and at ease when they enter their door by creating a warm environment. Example- I am a firm believer that teachers need to teach life and a huge philosophy of mine is to create heartwarming loving individuals. One way I try to meet this goal of mine is to read “Chicken Soup for the Soul” every Friday which is a collection of short stories that are inspiring and heartwarming.
Another supportive approach is by Khon Reading (2001) which allows the students to be involved in forming the curriculum. The students are in control and have the ability to give their input and the teacher relinquishes his or her power and guides the material. The teacher has several different units that they could teach that year and they allow the students to pick the ones that they will cover. By having the students to vote on weather they play volleyball over basketball will give ownership to the class in hopes to increase class participation.
Corrective Approach:
The corrective approach is necessary for a teacher to retain control in their classroom. It helps the students stay on task and removes distractions from students that really want to learn. However, it needs to be used sparingly and in moderation. I feel that this is way to overused in schools today and teachers result to correcting and detention slips way to early and too much.
The teacher must have reasonable consequences for the actions of their students. By being reasonable the students will have more respect for the teacher because he isn’t the tyrant dictator in charge that anything says goes. However, if the teacher becomes on the level of the student and is rational through delivering consequences the students will more than likely follow instructions. If a student walks into class five minutes late, instead of giving the student an automatic detention, just speak with the student after class why they were late and tell them that you will let it slide but next time there will be more consequences and decide with them right there on the spot what those consequences will be.
Another corrective approach by Lee and Canter (1976-1993) stresses a reward and punishment system. The system rewards or punishes the students accordingly so to get the results that are desired by the teacher. Furthermore, the teacher retains power within the classroom and is the sole authoritative figure in the classroom. E.G. If a teacher is having a problem with a particular student the teacher may say, “I need you to stay after class” or make them write on the board, while rewarding students by allowing them to work with a partner or get a physical reward if they answer a question.
Make sure to spend more time praising the students that are doing it correctly rather than correcting those students that are misbehaving. The teacher should be giving 90% of their attention to giving positive praises and 10% of their attention on correcting negative behavior. Teachers need to realize that giving correction over and over is detrimental to their classroom environment. By giving positive praise frequently and abundantly it show the students that there are rewards for doing the right thing. And if they want to receive attention from the teacher all they have to do is do the right thing.
Aesthetics of the learning environment:
It is important that the students can take pride in their learning and their school. Having your classroom and school taken care of in a manner of respect and dignity can translate to student learning. When students respect their school and their learning behavioral issues will be less and less.
Having your own classroom tidy, clean, and organized helps create a positive learning environment. Showing your students that you take pride in how your classroom and school is taken care of can carry over to the students and help them have pride in the own learning and their own school.
Promote student ownership of the school. This will give students more motivation to participate in school functions, clubs, or extra curricula activities. Studies have shown that students that participate in after school programs have a higher chance of graduating.
Role of Assent in Learning
Students do not care what you know until they know that you care. It is important that students are willing and eager to learn from you as a teacher. Having good student teacher relations is a good step to encouraging student learning in you classroom.
This will help a teacher have behavioral management in their classroom better when they have good student report.
You have o figure out a way that students want to learn from you. You have to demonstrate competency, compassion, and care.
I feel that the best way to manage a classroom is to find the most effective way to get your classroom to a safe and cooperating learning environment. This might change from year to year. You have to have a toolbox of management strategies so that you can use multiple ones and find the one that works for that class. I believe that you should push your students to grow up and expect them to handle responsibility and help them along the way. By giving fair and just punishment along with a caring attitude I hope that my students will respect me, their classmates, and do the right thing because they know that their teacher will notice. That is how I hope to manage my class one day.
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